My first foray into Rust

A story of coming to Rust from Haskell.

July 3, 2020 - 14 minute read -
Rust Haskell Terminal User Interface

The language

Rust seems to have a lot of momentum and a strong community. For a young language, I was pleasantly surprised by the ease of getting up and running with rustup and cargo, solid beginner tutorials,1 and the community emphasis on documentation. All of these factors made for a very ergonomic exploration of the language. It was also great to see familiar friends from Haskell, such as generics and traits. Traits are definitely not as powerful as Haskell’s typeclasses, but they provide plenty of mileage for writing elegant, type-safe code.

For my first project, I made so: a terminal interface for StackOverflow: demo This is a rewrite of a Haskell implementation I started a while ago, so it was a great way to see the two languages side-by-side.

Battling lifetimes

Lifetimes in Rust are notoriously tricky for beginners and comfort with them probably only comes with experience. You can of course look at the rust lang book chapter, but there you will find a series of foo, baz functions and single letter variable assignments; for me personally, this makes it harder to grok the real implications. So let me walk you through my actual experience, which I think will be a better demonstration:

If I want to create a specific instance of clap::App, but it is used in multiple places, like once in main and once in test, my immediate reaction is to make a function, so I don’t have to duplicate code. Let’s do that:

use clap::{App, Arg, ArgMatches};

pub fn mk_app<'a, 'b>() -> App<'a, 'b> {
                .help("StackExchange site code to search"),
                .help("Question limit per site query")

If you’re a budding Rustacean, and wondering where 'a, 'b are coming from, it might help to first read an overview of lifetimes. For what it’s worth, this was the first time I encountered them writing so, and if you try to write pub fn mk_app() -> App, the compiler will very helpfully guide you towards the signature above.

But now it turns out, I want to be able to pull default CLI options from a config file. No biggie, let’s modify my function to take the configuration:

pub struct Config {
    pub limit: u16,
    pub site: String,

mk_app<'a, 'b>(config: Config) -> App<'a, 'b>

This is great, I’ll be able to mock configs in my tests and really hammer this. Let’s start by using the default value for the site parameter:

pub fn mk_app<'a, 'b>(config: Config) -> App<'a, 'b> {
                .help("StackExchange site code to search"),
        // elided, same as above

Here we run into a n00b Rust issue, but again, the compiler is quite helpful:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
21 |                 .default_value(
   |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^
   |                                |
   |                                expected `&str`, found struct `std::string::String`
   |                                help: consider borrowing here: `&`

Ah yes, this makes sense, since earlier we were passing in "stackoverflow": &str. So we follow the compiler’s advice and borrow, using .default_value(& But next we see:

error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing local data ``
  --> src/
14 | /     App::new("so")
15 | |         .arg(
16 | |             Arg::with_name("site")
17 | |                 .long("site")
...  |
22 | |                 .default_value(&
   | |                                ------------ `` is borrowed here
...  |
39 | |                 .required(true),
40 | |         )
   | |_________^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function

This makes sense, given Rust’s ownership semantics. The function mk_app takes ownership of config, but then it goes out of scope at the end of the function, so the resource is deallocated. It would be very bad if the compiler didn’t complain here, because the & would be a dangling pointer. Instead, we need to borrow the config:

pub fn mk_app<'a, 'b>(config: &Config) -> App<'a, 'b> {

Of course, this wouldn’t be a true introductory Rust post if we didn’t have a few battles with the borrow checker. This signature is illegal because it is ambiguous:

error[E0621]: explicit lifetime required in the type of `config`
  --> src/
13 |   pub fn mk_app<'a, 'b>(config: &Config) -> App<'a, 'b> {
   |                                 ------- help: add explicit lifetime `'b` to the type of `config`: `&'b config::Config`
14 | /     App::new("so")
15 | |         .arg(
16 | |             Arg::with_name("site")
17 | |                 .long("site")
...  |
38 | |                 .required(true),
39 | |         )
   | |_________^ lifetime `'b` required

Here’s an oddity that might actually be a bug in the compiler message. If you add the 'b lifetime so that config: &'b Config, you’ll see that the lifetime is invalid. If we instead use config: &'a Config, the compilation succeeds :tada: and we get the desired functionality.2

But we’re not quite done, because we haven’t specified the default configured limit. And here’s where things get interesting! The config.limit has type u16, but as we saw above, the default_value function accepts a &str. (To be pedantic, we saw that it accepts a &'a str.) Luckily, all of these integer types have ToString implementations:

pub fn mk_app<'a, 'b>(config: &'a Config) -> App<'a, 'b> {
    let limit = config.limit.to_string();
        // elided site arg
                .help("Question limit per site query"),
        // elided query arg

But we’ve run into the same problem as above when we tried to return a reference to the owned config:

15 | /     App::new("so")
16 | |         .arg(
17 | |             Arg::with_name("site")
18 | |                 .long("site")
...  |
31 | |                 .default_value(&limit)
   | |                                ------ `limit` is borrowed here
...  |
38 | |                 .required(true),
39 | |         )
   | |_________^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function

And again, it makes sense given Rust’s semantics around ownership and memory management. When we create the limit string let limit = config.limit.to_string();, the current scope owns that limit, but the memory is deallocated when it goes out of scope. So, just as above, if the borrow checker did let this code pass, we would have a dangling pointer within the App.

It is my understanding that this is just how things are if a struct like App requires references such as &str in its construction. Someone needs to own those strings, and thus they need to be kept in scope, i.e. kept alive, for as long as the App lives. Notice that if I wasn’t dealing with a struct definition from an external crate, I could just modify the struct to take a String or a Box to put the parsed limit on the heap, instead of the stack, so that its lifetime would persist past the current function call. So, this isn’t really a pitfall of Rust, but rather, Rust’s semantics have guaranteed that this library will only be used in the way the authors intended. I’ve since reorganized my code so that the configuration retrieval and clap argument parsing all happen in the same place, as below.

/// CLI opts
pub struct Opts {
    pub list_sites: bool,
    pub print_config_path: bool,
    pub update_sites: bool,
    pub set_api_key: Option<String>,
    pub query: Option<String>,
    pub config: Config,

/// Get CLI opts, starting with defaults produced
/// from `mk_config` and matching args with `get_matches`.
fn get_opts_with<F, G>(mk_config: F, get_matches: G) -> Result<Opts>
    F: FnOnce() -> Result<Config>,
    G: for<'a> FnOnce(App<'a, '_>) -> ArgMatches<'a>,
    let config = mk_config()?;
    let limit = &config.limit.to_string();
    let clapp = App::new("so")
                .help("Question limit per site query"),
        ); // other args elided for the sake of brevity
    let matches = get_matches(clapp);
    Ok(Opts {
        config: Config {
            limit: matches.value_of("limit"),
            // etc.
        list_sites: matches.is_present("list-sites"),
        // etc.

/// Get CLI opts with defaults pulled
/// from user configuration
pub fn get_opts() -> Result<Opts> {
    get_opts_with(Config::new, |a| a.get_matches())

The solution here can be seen directly in the type signature: the function of type G where G: for<'a> FnOnce(App<'a, '_>) -> ArgMatches<'a> is the only place where the App’s lifetime is mentioned, yet the function on the whole just returns Opts with no 'a. Thus, the App is allocated and completely deallocated by the time this function completes, and there are no more dangling pointers.

Honestly, it doesn’t feel like idiomatic Rust to have these two higher-order function arguments. But, it works, and it allows me to test the CLI interface like I wanted.

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::config::SearchEngine;

    fn defaults() -> Config {
        Config {
            api_key: Some(String::from("my key")),
            limit: 64,
            lucky: false,
            sites: vec![
            search_engine: SearchEngine::DuckDuckGo,

    fn mk_config() -> Result<Config> {

    fn test_defaults() {
        let opts = get_opts_with(mk_config, |a| {
                vec!["so", "how do I exit Vim"]

        assert_eq!(opts.unwrap().config, defaults());

    fn test_conflicts() {
        get_opts_with(mk_config, |a| {
                vec!["so", "--lucky", "--no-lucky"]

    // etc.


Asynchronous programming in Rust was very daunting at first. For one, there’s a mess of options and it was hard to know what to use (tokio vs. async-std, etc.). And the tutorials and StackOverflow answers that you find for these options are likely to be out of date, given the rapid development of these various avenues for async support.

This is one area where I found the Haskell implementation was easier; there, I know to reach for async and the library is incredibly easy to use. But of course, in some sense this is comparing apples to oranges; namely, Haskell has a runtime and a garbage collector.3 It better be easier to write asynchronous code with such tools available at runtime!

That being said, once I decided to depend on tokio, it was relatively straight-forward to switch to tokio’s runtime, and the compiler is pretty good at guiding you.

For a demonstration of some common async tasks, here is the commit which gets results in the background, and here is where I shoot off an arbitrary number of parallel requests.


In my limited experience this past month, my take is that the libraries are numerous and excellent. I thought so might be a bit too much to chew while learning a new language, but it turns out it’s mostly glue code and all the heavy lifting is done by regularly maintained and fairly well-documented libraries. The current app is way faster and more feature-rich than my original Haskell implementation, which I spent much more time on.


After an initial survey of the landscape, I went with tui-rs as a TUI framework. I quickly ran into hurdles when it came time to deal with user input. That’s not to say you can’t deal with user input in tui-rs, but that you’ll be doing a lot more manual work to do so. And I’m not disparaging the library here; this just isn’t part of its goals. Here is an example demonstrating the work involved.


I ended up cutting my losses and trying out cursive. This was such a good decision. The documentation is sort-of-lacking, but I was pleasantly surprised just how flexible this library is, in a general sense with its callback structure, and in small ergonomic ways such as accepting Into<String> etc. types of arguments in most of its API. Suffice it to say, if you are looking to build a TUI with some level of user interaction, cursive is a great choice. But you might have to explore its codebase rather than its As with most of the TUI libraries I’ve come across, the examples will also go a long way.

Feature flags, dependencies, and orphans

Another thing I like about the ecosystem is the common motivation for slim dependencies and supporting a wide range of high-to-low level library usage via cargo feature flags. When libraries adhere to this pattern (which seems to be quite common), if you want to pull in less dependencies and only depend on what you need, you can just specify the proper feature flags for a library in your Cargo.toml, like this:

reqwest = { version = "0.10", features = ["gzip", "json"] }

For some great examples of this, you can see the options available on the reqwest crate or, taken to an even more extreme level, the tokio crate. I would love to see more of this in Haskell’s libraries, starting with lens. (Currently, if you want less dependencies you can depend on the duplicated microlens library.)

This pattern can also alleviate the pain of orphans. In Rust, orphans are strictly disallowed. In Haskell, orphans result in warnings and thus programmers have more options in how to deal with them. The default “correct” solution is to use a newtype wrapper, but when this is cumbersome it’s not hard to find entire modules like

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module My.Namespace.Orphans where
-- do bad things here

This is especially common with things like JSON serialization & deserialization. The most common orphans I see in Haskell are aeson instances, because if some library acme that has nothing to do with JSON exports a datatype Foo, why should they incur an aeson dependency for the unknown, possibly empty subset of library consumers that might want to serialize and deserialize Foo? But if acme instead added an optional library flag json (like the reqwest library above), then acme can provide the optional dependency and instances. It’s a win-win.

Concluding remarks

As a language, Haskell is hard to beat. It’s a thing of beauty. But the language itself isn’t everything, and in just about every other aspect (compiler, tooling, ecosystem, etc.) I’ve had a more enjoyable time with Rust over the past month. So I’m going to continue exploring it. I plan to start a new project at a lower level, closer to hardware, to see Rust in its more typical domain.


  1. Shout out to rustlings which really helped me get used to the syntax and semantics. If I find the time, I’d like to start an equivalent for Haskell. 

  2. Note that which lifetime parameter to use only depends on the internals of App and exactly which parts of that struct have the lifetimes 'a and 'b. The solution here implies that it is the first lifetime parameter that specifies the lifetime of the borrowed default value strings. We could have also looked at the definition of clap::App to figure this out. 

  3. Or more precisely, any implementation of Haskell.