I am going to show a small but practical scenario for which DerivingVia, a language extension introduced in GHC 8.6, is a natural solution. The extension is aptly named, as it extends the customizability of deriving clauses, namely to allow you to specify that a type should derive a typeclass instance via another type’s instance.
As is typical for me as a lowly software engineer that writes Haskell, as opposed to a computer scientist researching programming language theory, the description of the language extension initially seemed opaque. In hindsight, I would argue it is one of the simple-yet-still-incredibly-useful extensions.
The motivating example that I recently came across at work is implementing an exception
hierarchy. In fact, I wasn’t even writing a full blown exception hierarchy. All I wanted
to do was have an exception handler that catches all exceptions that have a certain
typeclass HasHttpStatus
which looks like
data HttpStatus = HttpStatus
{ httpStatusCode :: Int
, httpStatusMessage :: String
class HasHttpStatus e where
toHttpStatus :: e -> HttpStatus
Now if I have some exceptions with natural http statuses, such as
data NotFoundError = NotFoundError
deriving Exception
instance HasHttpStatus NotFoundError
where toHttpStatus _ = Status 404 "Not Found"
data UnauthorizedError = UnauthorizedError
deriving Exception
instance HasHttpStatus UnauthorizedError
where toHttpStatus _ = Status 401 "Unauthorized"
Then in my route handler, surrounding my application business logic, I want to catch such errors so I can return the appropriate http status:
insertEntityRoute :: IO ()
insertEntityRoute = catchAppErrors $ do
catchAppErrors :: IO () -> IO ()
catchAppErrors = flip catches
[ Handler $ \e :: SomeHttpException ->
sendHttpStatus (toHttpStatus e)
, Handler $ \e :: SomeException -> do
logError ("something awful has happened: " ++ show e)
sendHttpStatus (Status 500 "Internal Server Error")
My first attempt simply mimicked the definition of the Exception
and SomeException
data SomeHttpException
= forall e. (Exception e, HasHttpStatus e)
=> SomeHttpException e
deriving Typeable
instance Exception SomeHttpException where
instance Show SomeHttpException where
showsPrec p (SomeHttpException e) = showsPrec p e
instance HasHttpStatus SomeHttpException where
toHttpStatus (SomeHttpException e) = toHttpStatus e
This is on the right track, but I initially (and ignorantly) thought this would be enough
to use my handler above. Of course, nothing was being caught by the SomeHttpException
handler. Instead, it became clear after looking in the
documentation that I would need to write custom Exception
instances for all of my http errors. So my final pull request looked just like what the
documentation advises (and is what is most likely familiar to anyone who has implemented
an exception hierarchy in Haskell):
:: (Exception e, HasHttpStatus e)
=> e
-> SomeException
httpExceptionToException = toException . SomeHttpException
:: Exception e
=> SomeException
-> Maybe e
httpExceptionFromException e = do
SomeHttpException x <- fromException e
cast x
instance Exception NotFoundError where
toException = httpExceptionToException
fromException = httpExceptionFromException
instance Exception UnauthorizedError where
toException = httpExceptionToException
fromException = httpExceptionFromException
With these Exception
instances, my handler defined above works as expected. I didn’t
like having to duplicate these instances (in my case there were quite a few more instances
to write), but I trusted that this was the accepted solution since it was in the
documentation and I came up dry googling for better solutions.
However, a colleage at work (@asivitz on GitHub, for credit) spotted the
duplicate instances and refactored this by enabling DerivingVia
. With this approach, we
need only write an Exception
instance for one newtype wrapper, and then we can auto-derive
the rest of our http error instances via the newtype wrapper:
newtype HttpException e = HttpException e
instance Show e => Show (HttpException e) where
showsPrec p (HttpException e) = showsPrec p e
instance HasHttpStatus e => HasHttpStatus (HttpException e) where
toHttpStatus (HttpException e) = toHttpStatus e
instance (Show e, HasHttpStatus e) => Exception (HttpException e)
toException = httpExceptionToException
fromException = httpExceptionFromException
Now we can use this HttpException
wrapper instance in our deriving clauses.
The error types will instead be defined as:
data NotFoundError = NotFoundError
deriving Exception via (HttpException NotFoundError)
data UnauthorizedError = UnauthorizedError
deriving Exception via (HttpException UnauthorizedError)
The syntax is wonderfully clear here. It is evident when reading the deriving
clause above that the exception instance for e
is precisely the one that we
have defined for HttpException e
. So our SomeHttpException
handler will
still catch both of these exceptions, but we get to remove our explicit
typeclass implementations.
The lesson here is that if you find yourself writing identical typeclass instances over and over, possibly accumulating a mountain of boilerplate in your codebase: stop, drop, and derive via.